Frequently Asked Questions

Why hotels need to monitor food waste?

According to the EU Commission around 88 million tonnes of food waste are generated annually with associated costs estimated at 143 billion euros;  12%  of this waste is contributed to the  hospitality industry. In the recent "Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Directive 2008_98_EC on waste" (July 2023), the Commission is proposing to set legally binding food waste reduction targets to be achieved by 2030. Global Accommodation Sustainability Certification Bodies, such as Travelife, have already adopted the revised Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) Recognized Standards for Solid Waste that actually require hotels to have a solid waste management plan in place and in particular, to measure food waste and monitor the amount of solid waste disposed per tourist/night. Although hotels in Cyprus are aware of the food waste problem, they fail to quantify it, and take adequate measures to address it.

What are main benefits of tracking food-waste?


By capturing and recording basic info of everything that is wasted (type of food, time, weight, reason), we can quantify the problem and identify food-waste hotspots. Through the use of personalized dashboards, the hotel management can exploit the data to statistically analyse, report, and visualise the impact towards the environment and the financial losses incurred. This empowers the management to take intelligent decisions towards optimizing operations and achieving pre-defined measurable targets.

How easy is it to incorporate  our system in existing operations?

Using state of the art machine learning techniques for image recognition and a carefully designed step-by-step procedure we aim to automate and simplify the collection of data in the kitchen, making it as simple, fast, and seamless as possible, in order to have a minimal effect on the hotels’ food production and disposal process. 

The number and locations of the monitoring devices needed will be decided during our initial kick-off meeting at your premisses. Each device requires a dedicated power supply and internet connection

What kind of support should I expect?

Support for the initial installation and configuration of the system is provided. Training sessions will be held with the kitchen staff to make sure that they are accustomed to how the System works and minimize any possible friction especially during the first weeks of operations where the training phase of the model takes place.

Ongoing support and maintenance will be provided throughout the subscription period aiming to maximize the impact of our System in reducing food-waste.

How much does it cost?

We offer a subscription-based service. For more information, please contact us by email.

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